Prof. Dr.-Ing. Philipp Slusallek
Philipp Slusallek is Scientific Director at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), where he is leading the research area “Agents and Simulated Reality” since 2008. At Saarland University he has been a full professor for Computer Graphics since 1999.
Philipp Slusallek has done pioneering work in the areas of real-time ray tracing and lighting simulation, high-performance graphics hardware and software, massive model visualization, 3D Internet technology, distributed media applications, and novel 3D tomographic reconstructions.
Associated Researchers
Further associated researchers are listed on the pages of our associated DFKI research group Agents and Simulated Reality
Former Staff
Carsten Benthin [www]
Boris Brönner
Sergiy Byelozyorov
Piotr Danilewski [www]
Tomas Davidovic [www]
Andreas Dietrich
Farshad Einabadi
Heiko Friedrich
Iliyan Georgiev [www]
Johannes Günther [www]
Rainer Jochem
Stefan John
Javor Kalojanov [www]
Felix Klein
Alexander Löffler
Marco Lohse
Gerd Marmitt
Lukas Marsalek
Vincent Pegoraro
Arsène Pérard-Gayot
Mike Phillips
Daniel Pohl
Andreas Pomi
Stefan Popov [www]
Michael Repplinger
Jörg Schmittler
Kristian Sons
Marianne Spiller
Georg Tamm
Beata Turoňová [www]
Ingo Wald [www]
Sven Woop
Xiang Xu