Prof. Dr.-Ing. Philipp Slusallek
Philipp Slusallek is Scientific Director at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), where he is leading the research area “Agents and Simulated Reality” since 2008. At Saarland University he has been a full professor for Computer Graphics since 1999.
Philipp Slusallek has done pioneering work in the areas of real-time ray tracing and lighting simulation, high-performance graphics hardware and software, massive model visualization, 3D Internet technology, distributed media applications, and novel 3D tomographic reconstructions.
Current Positions
Saarland University
Full professor for Computer Graphics
Since 1999
German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI)
Scientific Director
Agents and Simulated Reality
Since 2008
Competence Center for Informatics at Saarland University
Founding Speaker
Since 2004
Previous Positions

Director of Research
Intel Visual Computing Institute of Saarland University
2009 - 2017
Principal Investigator
Cluster of Excellence in Multimodal Computing and Interaction (MMCI) at Saarland University
2007 - 2019
Visiting Professor
Nvidia Research, Santa Clara, US
2007 - 2008
Dean of the Faculty
Computer Science and Mathematics, Saarland University
2002 - 2004
Visiting Assistant Professor
Computer Graphics Lab at Stanford University
1998 - 1999
Head of the Research Group
Computer Graphics Lab at University of Erlangen
Physically-Based Rendering (The Vision Project)
1992 - 1998

Computer Graphics Group (GRIS) University of Tübingen
1990 - 1992
© Lehrstuhl Computer Graphik, Universität des Saarlandes, 1999-2025.