Recent Publications

Our work is published in high-ranked conferences and journals such as ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) and Computer Graphics Forum (CGF).

P. Weier A. Rath É. Michel I. Georgiev P. Slusallek T. Boubekeur
P. Weier T. Zirr A. Kaplanyan L. Yan P. Slusallek
Neural Prefiltering for Correlation-Aware Levels of Detail

ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2023)

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Winter Term 2024/25

Computer Graphics

This course provides the theoretical and practical foundations for computer graphics. It gives a wide overview of topics, techniques, and approaches used in various aspects of computer graphics...

Monte Carlo Ray Tracing

Monte Carlo ray tracing is a popular technique to render realistic images. It is used for movies, architecture, video games, and product design. This seminar looks at a...

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CG Lab
Recent Projects

We contribute to a large set of various R&D and industry projects. Together with our project partners selected results may be published as open source. Please find the code base at our github page.

Collaboration and Partnerships

We are part of an excellent research network.

More than 800 scientists, in two graduate schools and six internationally renowned research institutes, are researching the complete spectrum of informatics topics, thus particularly enriching the areas of IT security, artificial intelligence, visual computing, bioinformatics, and the Semantic Web – from the foundations to innovative applications.

Want to start a new research project with us? Let’s Start!